Serving central California with the highest quality humane bat removal!

Serving central California with the highest quality humane bat removal!
California Bat Exclusion provides the highest quality of bat removal!
California Bat Exclusion removes bats in a humane way without causing them harm. Bats play a large role in controlling insect population and balancing our environmental system.
We provide a thorough inspection to determine the size of colony and the extent of damage caused by the presence of bats. The bats believe your home or building to be their home. Our inspection will assure that all ares will be detected and addressed.
Our bat exclusion process depends on the size and type of the colony. We determine the best method to exclude and seal up your structure so the bats cannot re-enter.
When you need proficiency and expertise, contact us and we will solve your bat problems and prevent recurrence.
California Bat Exclusion provides a written warranty for our work.
Why Use California Bat Exclusion
- We service most counties in California.
- We do not use chemicals, pesticides, or other harmful devices.
- We are licensed and insured!
- We provide a thorough inspection
- No building (or bat) too big or small.
- We find them all!
- We provide a written warranty for our work!